
"Bite of Justice" (Blood Oath Book Four) By: R.L. Caulder

  "Bite of Justice"  (Blood Oath Book Four) By: R.L. Caulder My Totally Awesome Review:  I'm trying to find the words to describe this book. It was everything and more and then some. I absolutely love Alina and her boys. I am so so sad and a little heartbroken that this is their last book.  I cried through half the book. Grab some tissues because your gonna need them. Bite of Justice hits on a deeper level. It absolutely wrecked me. Its so much deeper than Alina getting her justice for her family. It's about facing your grief and pain and letting it out and working through it. It's okay to break and let down your walls down and to rely on those who love you to hold you through it. This hit me hard because it's something I myself struggle with on a daily basis.  The beginning picks up where we left off. Everyone is on the clock racing to find the antidote to save Lo. (There's a little surprise in store there for one of our characters and I loved it.) Alina

Bite of Loyalty (Blood Oath Book One) By: R.L. CAULDER

  Bite of Loyalty  (Blood Oath Book One)  By: R.L. CAULDER My Totally Awesome Review:   This book is another excellent addition to the Dark Imaginarium Academy! I freaking love love love it!  Alina is a Van Helsing and she's next in line to take over. On her 21st birthday her family is slaughtered and she is turned into a vampire. Alina is out for revenge and vows to kill everyone who had anything to do with the slaughter of her family and friends.  She is brought to the Dark Imaginarium Academy to help her learn control and hone her skills. There she meets Lincoln and Andrei. There's a whirlwind love/hate relationship between them all and I'm here for it! I love all the characters and the little peeks of a few characters from the other books.  There's so much more I want to say but I don't want to spoil anything! Just read it! You won't regret it!  PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A JAW DROPPING CLIFFHANGER! I need the next book asap! R.L. Caulder knows how to write books

"Twisted Games" (The Boys Of Briar Hall Book 3) By: Elena Lawson

  "Twisted Games" (The Boys Of Briar Hall Book 3) By: Elena Lawson  My Totally Awesome Review:  Twisted Games is explosive! This story just keeps getting better and better. This book keeps you guessing the whole time.  The gang wars are really amping up! The steam is on a whole new level. (I freaking love it!) Some secrets that were supposed to be kept hidden become public. Mr. Unknown is really ramping up his games. The Boys and Ava have their hands full with so much happening at once! Ava's wicked blades really come in handy in this one!  I had my suspicions on who Mr. Unknown is and we finally got the answer. Gang wars, steam, action, betrayal; this book has it all. The ending is jaw dropping! I knew it was coming at some point but it still packed a punch! There's so much I want to say but I'm going to stop here and just say READ IT! I can't wait for the next book! Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review! 

A Promise Of Torment (A Violent Agenda Book 3) By: Mallory Fox

  A Promise Of Torment (A Violent Agenda Book 3) By: Mallory Fox   My Totally Awesome Review:  This is everything my dark little heart desired it to be and more! It's full of twists and turns! There are so many players in the game that you don't know friend from foe!  Viola is having to play everyone else's games while also trying to find her mother. Its one crazy game of clue. Vi goes through alot in this one! This girl knows her strengths and weaknesses and she isn't afraid to admit it. No matter what she is a fighter through and through. That's one of the things I love about her. She might get beaten down but like a phoenix she will rise from the ashes and kick some a$$! Violas father Adrien is a real piece of work! He doesn't deserve to have children! As for Kristian there aren't enough words to describe just how big of a piece of sh!t he is! He gets what's coming to him but at great cost.  I've been rooting for Dante from the get go and I can

"Captured By The Monsters" By: R.L. Caulder & M.J. Marstens

  "Captured By The Monsters" By: R.L. Caulder  &  M.J. Marstens My Totally Awesome Review:  The world was ravaged by a war between humans and monsters. The war ended and the two species made a treaty. A treaty that puts every woman's life at stake. The humans live in The Above and the monsters in The Below. Per the treaty agreement every so often five women are selected and sent to The Below. Shuttled down to the monsters for reasons unknown.  All of her life she's kept her head down, stayed quiet, followed the strict laws that all women have to abide by and lived in fear of being selected. Unfortunately Serafina Adler is now one of the selected. She is shipped off to the below after leaving her family and fur baby behind. She is chosen by three monsters Axton, Rowen and Sylan. They could either be the best or worst thing to ever happen to her. Even though they may technically be monsters these boys only care about her safety and happiness. She just might find her
🚨 𝑩𝑳𝑼𝑹𝑩 𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑨𝑳 🚨 . 𝑨 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, book 3 in the serial killer reverse harem series, A Violent Agenda by @malloryfoxauthor . 🩸 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝘂𝗽 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗿 : . 🖤 𝗣𝗿𝗲 𝖮𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗼𝘄: . 𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠. 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑. 𝐾𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒... My emotions are supposed to be dead. I was never meant to feel this. Pain. Anger.  𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐞. Feelings erode me from the inside. They make me weak. They make him more powerful. But I can't lose. Dante is my sweetness in hell. My father has me where he wants me. And my boys...well they think I'm all but lost. They're right. I'm not the same Angel of Death they knew and desired. I'm losing control one promise at a time. I'm spiraling, de-evolving, turning into him. B

"Monsters Naughty List" By: R.L. Caulder

"Monsters Naughty List" By: R.L. Caulder My Totally Awesome Review:   Monsters Naught List is a sweet and spicy romance. This is the escape we all needed during the holiday rush.  A tiny mishap that accidentally summoned three demons and some very "hard" soul searching. Tinsley is quiet and shy. She is always going along with what society thinks she should do and being who they think she should be. Three amazingly sweet demons to the rescue! They help to break her out of her shell and let go of what society wants her to be. They help her to become who she really is on the inside. She learns alot of different sides to herself that she didn't know she had. Being naughty never felt so good especially with the three very large, very hard and very hot demons! Sometimes all it takes is a little hard love!  I love this story and all the characters! I also love the underlying message of the story! I really hope our amazing author will make this into a series! I'm no

"Wicked Trials" (Boys of Brial Hall Book 2) By: Elena Lawson

  "Wicked Trials" (Boys of Brial Hall Book 2) By: Elena Lawson My Totally Awesome Review: Let me just say Wicked Trials is freaking amazeballs! We pick up where we left off and hit the ground running.  I was kinda secretly hoping Diesel would turn the tables around and turn out to not be that bad of a person. Unfortunately that's not the case and he is a real piece of work. He hates Ava Jade and wants her out of the picture no matter the cost. His "trials" are seriously effed up! What he didn't count however is that our girl is strong, resilient and fights back defying the odds stacked against her! The only commendable thing about him is that he truly does love his sons. Mr. Unknown is taking things to a whole new level. I can't wait to find out more about him and why he is so infatuated with Ava Jade! I love a good mystery! Now for the boys! Corvus is FINALLY trying to pull his head out of his rear-end. Rook is his usual crazy psycho self. Grey is still

"Save Them" (The Broken Souls Series) By: S.A. Mackenzie

  "Save Them" (The Broken Souls Series)  By: S.A. Mackenzie   My Totally Awesome Review:  Save Them picks up exactly where book one left off. It's hard to comprehend and put into words how terrifying and tragic the things that Alayna saw are. It's horrible and would be impossible to cope with. Thankfully she also has three amazing men who are also a little broken themselves to help mend her pieces and lift her up when she's down. Love is a powerful thing. She is so strong and brave. She fights her damnedest to come back out on the other side. She's a freaking bada$$! Alayna has been through so much in her life and it's far from over. How can you fight a stalker that is always one step ahead of you and somehow manages not to be seen? How much trauma can one person endure before they are completely and irrevocably broken for good? There are constant twist and turns around every corner. No one is safe mentally or physically.  It's practically impossible t

"Untamed Fate" (Magic Side: Wolf Bound Book 2) By: Veronica Douglas

  "Untamed Fate" (Magic Side: Wolf Bound Book 2) By: Veronica Douglas My Totally Awesome Review:   Untamed Fate really kicks in to high gear. The evil sorcerer has raised the stakes even higher. Wolves are going into comas and nothing is working to wake them back up. Savannah and Jaxon begrudgingly team up to find a way to save them while also keeping the sorcerer from kidnapping Savannah.  Savannah is doing really great adapting to the magical world. The question is will she be able to handle what hits her next? And who or what she becomes? Jaxon is still well Jaxon. I love their banter they give as good as they get. Their chemistry is off the charts no matter how much they try to fight it. We finally get a few answers pertaining to the sorcerer but then even more questions pop up.  I love all the twist, turns, mysteries and traveling. Expect the unexpected. I can't wait for the next book to see what happens with Savannah and Jaxon.  I received an arc of this book in exc

"A Legacy Of Sorrow" (A Violent Agenda Book 2) By: Mallory Fox

  "A Legacy Of Sorrow" (A Violent Agenda Book 2) By: Mallory Fox  My Totally Awesome Review:   I have been anxiously awaiting this book and I'm so glad I finally got my grubby mits on it! (Insert evil laugh here lol 😈)  These chacters have some really messed up pasts and along with their crazy family history its madness! It's no wonder they are all a little psycho! The twist just keep coming! Hits are hitting harder! Things are getting even more twisted! I have so many more questions than answers!There are so many chess pieces and unknown players that's its hard to know what to move to make. The hunter becomes the hunted. Allies turned enemies. Everyone has their own secrets and things their keeping hidden. Friend or foe? Sometimes they are one in the same!  I freaking love Viola! I'm not gonna lie I really want to see her inner psycho completely come out to play! I'm still at a toss up with Dante! To love him or to hate him? (I'm kinda secretly hopin

"The Magic Of Eternity" (Emerald Lakes Book 5) By: Britt Andrews

  "The Magic Of Eternity" (Emerald Lakes Book 5) By: Britt Andrews   My Totally Awesome Review:  Magic Of Eternity picks up where we left off. Our characters are going through absolute hell! Each character is locked up away from the others. Some in alot worse shape than others. That absolutely gutted me. Thankfully allies and help are there when they need it most. The race is on to save the lives of some they love most. Let the war with Azarel and Laurie begin. I'm going to leave it at that because I don't want to give anything else away. Seriously you will not be disappointed. (On a side note really need some more of my man-mouse Napoleon!) I inhaled this book like Faris does Mac and cheese.   I am so so sad to see this series end. I laughed and I cried. Then cried some more when it said the WORST words ever "The End". There is so much depth to this book. It digs in deep and doesn't let go. This is the ending that the characters who have been a part of

"Insurrection" (Monarchs Of Hell Book 1) By: R.L. Caulder & M. Sinclair

"INSURRECTION" (Monarchs Of Hell Book 1) By: R.L. Caulder & M. Sinclair   My Totally Awesome Review:  I love it!! This book has a new and intriguing take on hell. There are 6 ruling houses. Each house is a different species. Every 100 years a summit is held for the Monarchs of each house to vote on who will be the ruling house for the next century.  The book starts out a bit slow (which is good because you get to know all the different characters) and gains intensity at a really good pace thoughout the book. There are 7 main characters. All of whom are fantastic!  Amare (aka Ama) she is a hybrid reaper/succubus. Her dad is King of the House to Death (the reapers) which is also the supreme ruling house. Ama has been bullied all of her life because she is not a pureblooded reaper. She is bada$$! She's had enough of the bullying and takes the world on by storm. Then we have Drayven (who is from her house) and those two have some major issues to work out. Damien, Colt, Ni

"Suck It" Shadow Guild: Vampire Bride Book 2 By: Linsey Hall

  "Suck It"  Shadow Guild: Vampire Bride Book 2 By: Linsey Hall My Totally Awesome Review:  Whew what a ride! So much happens in this book I don't even know where to start! Mac and Drakon are in a constant state of push and pull but they are there for each other no matter what! They have enough chemistry between them to explode worlds! Ludovic is at it again trying to add more supernaturals to his weird soul collection. Mac and Drakon are following all the leads they come across to try and stop him. We have action, adventure, kidnappings, bombs, magic, and major mind blowing reveals. 🤯 That ending is just kind of heartbreaking. Major cliffhanger - hangover alert! Overall I love it! I can't wait for book 3! Very highly recommend!  I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"The Tracker's Dawn: Sunderverse" (The Mate Tracker Book 5) By: Ingrid Seymour

"The Tracker's Dawn: Sunderverse"  (The Mate Tracker Book 5) By: Ingrid Seymour   My Totally Awesome Review:  This final book is explosive! There is so much happening all at once! Mekare has unleashed hybrids all over the city. Jake's arranged marriage has been moved up. Time is running out and fast for everyone! Jake has finally won me over! I didn't really like him in the first two books but he has redeemed himself.  Everything leads up to one epic conclusion. Action, adventure, intrigue, sadness, despair, heartbreaking moments and the love of all the people around you. This book has it all!  This is a fantastic series and I hate to see it end! Seriously why do all good things have to end? So not fair! Maybe we can get a novella in the future to see how our favorite characters are. I really want to know how things go between Toni and her bio dad Travis! I highly recommend! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.  

"Crooked Crows" (Boys Of Briar Hall Book One) By: Elena Lawson

  "Crooked Crows" (Boys Of Briar Hall Book One) By: Elena Lawson  My Totally Awesome Review:   Crooked Crows is freaking amaze-balls! This is totally different from all of Elena's other books! She totally nailed coming over to the dark side. There's so much I want to say but I don't want to give anything away. It's dark, gritty, dirty, complex, crazy, twisted and a million other things all in one. Ava Jade, Corvus, Rook and Grey. The boys become Ava Jade's sworn enemies and the push and pull between them all begins. Its a beautiful thing to see unfold. All these characters are strong willed and stubborn. They don't take crap from anyone or anything. All of them are broken in different ways and have a dark twisted past that has yet to be revealed. Hands down totally amazing! I highly recommend! Book two I'm anxiously awaiting for you!  I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"Bite Me" (Shadow Guild: Vampire Bride Book One) By: Linsey Hall

  "Bite Me" (Shadow Guild: Vampire Bride Book One) By: Linsey Hall  My Totally Awesome Review:  I have been anxiously awaiting Mac's story and its finally here! 😁😁😁😁 As we all know from previous books in the Shadow Guild Mac is a total bada$$! We can finally get into her head and there's a lot more to her than meets the eye. She's cunning, smart, funny, devious and doesn't take anyone's crap. Then in comes Drakon and her world gets completely turned up side down. She has no clue who he is but he knows her and is out for revenge. He is the first vampire. Most may fear him but she's not afraid to go toe to toe with him. It's one tangled hot mess. This is one heck of a bumpy roller-coaster ride. There's something much more sinister at play and all isn't as it seems for our poor Mac! This book is explosive!  I can't wait to see what happens next! I highly recommend! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

"Outlaw" (The Pack Prophecy Book 2) By: R.L. Caulder

  "Outlaw" (The Pack Prophecy Book 2) By: R.L. Caulder  My Totally Awesome Review:   Outlaw picks up right where Outcast left off. Kira, Milo and Seth were outlawed from their pack. Jameson (the prick) broke the mate bond and stayed behind. Kira has came a long way from the once beaten down broken girl she was. Her inner strength really comes out and she becomes the strong warrior she was always meant to be. This book is full of action, adventure, heartbreak, strength, triumph and redemption. We also get some new characters along the way. Prepare to have your mind blown! My brain is still reeling from that massive cliffhanger. Don't mind me I'll just be over here hanging out on this cliff awaiting the next book! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"The Magic Of Destiny" (Emerald Lakes Book 4) By: Britt Andrews

  "The Magic Of Destiny" (Emerald Lakes Book 4) By: Britt Andrews  My Totally Awesome Review:  Oh my poor heart! Britt this isn't fair! This isn't fair at all! You can't just leave us like that! Seriously what did we ever do to you?! Get back in the writing cave and fix this now please!  This book has is all! Mystery, action, heat, intrigue, jaw dropping, psycho villains and some major heart break. The steam in this book really kicks up a notch and it does not disappoint! 🔥 Things are slowly starting to make sense as more pieces of the puzzle are revealed. Asarel is seriously psycho. My heart is shattered for poor Sloane. This book put me through the ringer. Cue the jaw dropping! This may be the best book yet! I very highly recommend! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my totally honest review.

"Soul Bound" (Arcane Arts Academy Book 1) By: Elena Lawson

  "Soul Bound" (Arcane Arts Academy Book 1) By: Elena Lawson My Totally Awesome Review:  I don't usually like academy books but I love this one! The academy setting is balanced perfectly with the plot and characters. This book has it all witches, shifters, secrets, mystery, intrigue, action, a dash of enemies to maybe future lovers and everything in between. I love how the relationship between all of the characters (Harper, Elias, Adrian and Cal) wasn't instantaneous but a slow build. Circumstances brought them all together but the animosity slowly turns to understanding and maybe even more later on. I don't want to give too much away so you'll just have to read to find out! I highly recommend this book and everything Elena writes! 🙂 I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

"The Tracker's Revenge" By: Ingrid Seymour

  "The Tracker's Revenge" By: Ingrid Seymour   My Totally Awesome Review:  I'm going to be honest this book broke my heart a little bit. The beginning was heartbreaking. I was really starting to like Damien and then poof he's gone. I was in tears. Eric our cold and aloof alpha showed his softer side. He took it really hard losing Damien but it did bring him and Toni closer. No one had time to mourn his death because they were fighting for their life trying to hide the dagger and hunt Damien's killer. They had a meeting of the alphas to try to get help hiding the dagger. Let me just say all of the alphas are serious douchebags. Toni's biological father being the worst. I do hope that we see more of them together and what his reaction will be to Toni being his daughter. This book is action packed from the start to finish. I love it. Toni and Jake had some very heartfelt moments. They just can't win for losing. That ending was a mixture of hope, sadness a

"Wolf Queen" (Shadow Guild: Wolf Queen Book 5) By: Linsey Hall

  "Wolf Queen" (Shadow Guild: Wolf Queen Book 5) By: Linsey Hall   My Totally Awesome Review:  This is the final installment in the Wolf Queen series and it is so freaking good! Eve fights to becomes who she is meant to be with Lachlan by her side. They go on a long winded journey to find the answers they seek while fighting the maker along the way. Their lives have always been entwined with one another and they find out just how deep it goes. Can Eve fight the dark moon curse long enough to figure out how to defeat the maker? Do they find a way around the prophecy that foretold Eve is to die because of her love for Lachlan? How is she connected to the maker? You will have to read to find out. This book had me in tears a few times. It will hit you in the feels. I love that I couldn't figure out how exactly it would all play out until the very end. Linsey keeps us on the edge of our seat. I'm so sad to see Eve and Lachlan's story end but I'm sure they will be m

"Vampire Love Sucks" By: Lea Jade

  "Vampire Love Sucks" By: Lea Jade My Totally Awesome Review:   This story puts an interesting twist on witches and vampires. Verity is a witch who doesn't yet realize she is one. Her powers are very unique and it takes a piece of her soul bit by bit. Her ex-boyfriend Jason needs her help with an ancient vampire but things don't go as planned. Lysander is an ancient vampire and there's alot more to him than meets the eye. This is a slow burn RH but all the guys in the harem aren't completely established yet but we can guess as who they might be. I can't wait to find out more about Verity, Jason and the vampires. I'm so excited for the next book! Definitely recommend! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

"A History Of Violence" By: Mallory Fox

  "A History Of Violence" By: Mallory Fox My Totally Awesome Review:  This book is so freaking good! Viola is my hero just saying! She's a bada$$ assassin with a dark side. She hates clean up but can you blame her it can get messy lol Her next job isn't as easy as she thought it would be. She has to go undercover and pretend to be a student at a private high school. Lines get blurred. Friends turn enemies. Enemies turn friends. The schools elite are hiding alot of dark secrets. There's so much more at play than what is seen. I can't wait for more of Viola and her men! I highly recommend! *This book is a dark RH. There are possible triggering scenes.* I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"Broken Skies" (Dragons Gift: The Storm Book 4) By: Veronica Douglas and Linsey Hall

  "Broken Skies" (Dragons Gift: The Storm Book 4) By: Veronica Douglas and Linsey Hall My Totally Awesome Review:  This is the epic conclusion to the Dragons Gift series. This book is explosive. Mathias has opened a portal to hell and demons are escaping. He is still trying to trap Neve so he use her for her power. Neve and Damian both have to confront their past in different ways. Neve finally gets the answers she's been seeking and Damian has to ask his enemies for help. Damian finally pulls his head out of the sand and listens to what his dragon side has been telling him all along about Neve. It's all hands on deck to fight Mathias and his demon army. This book is a fantastic ending to a great series! I can't wait to find out who's story we will get next! I highly recommend this series! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"Shifted Scars: A Wolves Of Forest Grove Novel" (The Wolves of Forest Grove Book 4) By: Elena Lawson

  "Shifted Scars: A Wolves Of Forest Grove Novel" (The Wolves of  Forest Grove Book 4) By: Elena Lawson My Totally Awesome Review:  We wanted more from the Wolves of Forest Grove and Elena gave us Shifted Scars! Shifted Scars picks up four years after Shifted Rule. I missed Forest Grove and have been so excited for this book. Allie, Jared and Clay are all grown up now. They are all doing really well for themselves. Allie is still getting into the swing of being alpha but if she needs help her guys are there for her. This is full of mystery, suspense, action and steam. Things you thought were in the past don't stay hidden for long. The past came back to haunt them in a big way. Everyone in their pack including all of them are in danger. This book brings us full circle and all of the questions we may have had are answered. Overall a fantastic book and series! I wish it didn't have to end but I can't wait to see what Elena brings us next! I very highly recommend this

"Rising Moon" (Shadow Guild: Wolf Queen Book 4) By: Linsey Hall

  "Rising Moon" (Shadow Guild: Wolf Queen Book 4) By: Linsey Hall  My Totally Awesome Review:  Holy smokes! Things are heating up! The stakes just got even higher for Eve and Lachlan. Darkness has claimed some of the wolves and a war has broken out. They have to find out how to stop it before two pack are wiped out. On top of it all Lachlan has lost his memory of Eve courtesy of the Master. We hit the ground running until we get to that crazy epic cliffhanger! 😱 I'm on pins and needles! I need the next book now! Very highly recommend!  I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"Devastation" (Darkness Rising Book 3) By: R.L. Caulder

  "Devastation"  (Darkness Rising Book 3) By: R.L. Caulder  My Totally Awesome Review:  Lana and her guys travel to all of the realms to warn everyone to prepare for war. Erubus has more secrets than we first realized. He's a master manipulator and has been setting things in motion for a very long time. There's heartbreak, action, and plenty of steam. I'm so sad that this is the last book! I love all of these characters so much. I really hate to see them go. I hope that we get to see them again in the future. This is a fantastic series! I highly recommend! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"Cursed Angel" (Dragons Gift: The Storm Book 3) By: Veronica Douglas and Linsey Hall

  "Cursed Angel" (Dragons Gift: The Storm Book 3) By: Veronica Douglas and Linsey Hall My Totally Awesome Review:   This book picked up right where we left off and is action packed. Neve and Damian have to work together whether they like it or not. Mathias always seems to be several steps ahead of them. This time he really ups the stakes. They have to jump through several obstacles in order to try and stop a curse from releasing the worst magica criminals from prison. Neve is still pretty ticked off at Damian for all his lies and betrayal while fighting with her self for caring about him at the same time. Damian is torn between his feelings for Neve and fighting to keep his destructive powers at bay. I love these characters and the new ones we get to meet. This series keeps getting better and better. This book is positively explosive. I highly recommend! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

"Pack Of Lies" (Shadow Guild: Wolf Queen Book 3) By: Linsey Hall

  "Pack Of Lies" (Shadow Guild: Wolf Queen Book 3) By: Linsey Hall My Totally Awesome Review: Eve and Lachlan are in a race against time to figure out how save Eve before her magic tears her apart. All the while Lachlan is doing everything he can to fight the dark mood curse. We go on a whirlwind journey while they try to peice together clues to figure out what the Master wants and how to stop him. The Master is an interesting character. He's more powerful than they ever imagined. He can do things no one has ever seen before. Who is he? What is he? So many questions. I can't wait for the next book to find out! As always we learn a bit of history in this book. I'm going to be doing some more research. It's so interesting. I love it! Linsey does not disappoint! I highly recommend this series! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 

"Save Me" (Broken Souls Series Book 1) By: S.A. Mackenzie

  "Save Me" (Broken Souls Series Book 1) By: S.A. Mackenzie  My Totally Awesome Review: This book gutted me! It is heartbreaking and twisted all rolled into an emotionally painful mess! My heart hurts so bad for Alayna. Riggs, Rhys, and Adam come into her life in a very sad twist of fate. This book has it all. Murder, suicide, ptsd, depression, mystery a very creepy and crazy  a$$ stalker. I balled my eyes out while reading this. That clifferhanger ending just blew my mind. I need to know what happens next! Read this and have tissues ready! I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.  

"Outcast" (The Pack Prophecy Book #1) By: R.L. Caulder

  "Outcast" (The Pack Prophecy Book #1) By: R.L. Caulder My Totally Awesome Review: Kira was left abandoned in the woods as a young child. The pack that found and took her in treated her like crap, bullied her and used her as their personal slave. She was an Outcast. When the wolves turn 21 they have the changing ceremony and their wolves will emerge for the first time. In a turn of events she wasn't expecting Kira turns into a wolf but not just any wolf. Kira is strong, smart, and resilient. When she becomes a wolf she finds out she has 3 mates. Milo, Seth, and Jameson. Milo is so sweet. He's always been good to her and tried to protect her. Seth was never outright mean to her but he didn't do anything to stop the bullying either. He is able to redeem himself and show that he will love and care for her the way she deserves. Jameson is the alphas son. He is a total jerk and treats her like crap. He wants her but he hates her for something thats not her fault. I ho

"The Tracker's Rage" By: Ingrid Seymour

  "The Tracker's Rage" By: Ingrid Seymour My Totally Awesome Review:  Toni is once again dragged into the city's turnoil. She is growing more in sync with her wolf and finding out she has more powers. What those powers are and how they work remains a mystery. Tori and Jake have a constant push and pull relationship. They love each other but can't be together. Honestly Jake is getting on my nerves. One minute he knows they can't be together and the next he's inserting himself into her business. Hopefully they will be able to figure everything out. This book is explosive! So much happens it keeps your head spinning! Friends turned enemies and enemies who are turning into allies. Theres is so much more going on than meets the eye. Its a crazy roller-coaster ride. I loved seeing Damien, Eric, Rosalina, and Jake come together to save Tori from the phychos. I hope to see more of them all working together. I actually liked Stephen at first and was hoping he could