"Crooked Crows" (Boys Of Briar Hall Book One) By: Elena Lawson


"Crooked Crows"

(Boys Of Briar Hall Book One)

By: Elena Lawson 

My Totally Awesome Review: 

Crooked Crows is freaking amaze-balls! This is totally different from all of Elena's other books! She totally nailed coming over to the dark side. There's so much I want to say but I don't want to give anything away.

It's dark, gritty, dirty, complex, crazy, twisted and a million other things all in one. Ava Jade, Corvus, Rook and Grey. The boys become Ava Jade's sworn enemies and the push and pull between them all begins. Its a beautiful thing to see unfold. All these characters are strong willed and stubborn. They don't take crap from anyone or anything. All of them are broken in different ways and have a dark twisted past that has yet to be revealed.

Hands down totally amazing! I highly recommend! Book two I'm anxiously awaiting for you! 

I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. 
