"Magic Of Revenge" Emerald Lakes Book 3 By: Britt Andrews

"Magic Of Revenge"

Emerald Lakes Book 3

By: Britt Andrews 

My Totally Awesome Review:

Magic of Revenge absolutely destroyed me! Britt you absolutely butchered us with the ending of book 2 so I was crying like a baby during the first few chapters of this one. Our poor characters just can't win for losing. My heart absolutely hurts for Saige. She went through so much and so did the the boys. 😭 They just keep taking hit after hit after hit. (Also Britt did a wonderful job touching on a subject alot of people including myself struggle with. Mental health is really important and Britt did amazing weaving that into this story.) Along with all the bad and sad we still got the hysterical parts where I laughed until I cried. Let's not forget all the steam soooo much steam! 🔥 Faris is absolutely adorable! Oooooh Miranda and Khol!? Also I want my own Napoleon! Granny and Randy are hilarious! I am so glad that dirtbag Bryce got what was coming to him. I got immense joy out of reading that part it was so freaking epic! (Insert evil laugh here 😈) I want to claw that crazy witch Laurie's eyes out along with Azarels. Holy amazeballs all the secrets that come out! Definitely weren't expecting those!😱🤯 I have so many questions that I need answered asap! The last few chapters were brutal! Seriously Britt why must you bring more of our people into this craziness? Britt completely threw us off of a cliff after ripping us apart again! I'll be here at the bottom of the cliff  anxiously awaiting the next book! I need it ASAP! *(Beware you may need therapy after this!)* I very highly recommend reading this series!

I received an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.
